Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Long Chicken, Bigger is Better

Burger King aired this commercial on November 19th 2012 advertising that bigger chicken is better chicken. The commercial didn't last too long before being pulled off the air. Burger King along with many other food corporations have a manipulative advertising attack method that involves bringing in models or very attractive women to play role in that eating this food is good or rewarding. Many ads will use attractive woman to get the attention and sales of the male audience. But this tactic doesn't stop there, is also grabs the attention of woman. Some might reject it and some will fall into also buying the food either because its simply what the guy wants or she buys it for him, deep down hoping that her husband will look at her the same way he looked at the Burger King girl.  

Burger King claims to be the king of burgers and stepped up their game up by introducing the Long Chicken Burger.  In this specific video we breakdown that this random woman on a train notices a guy holding Burger Kings Long Chicken Sandwich. The guy catches her staring and exposes some more of his long chicken for her. Obviously this woman loves long chicken and she wants some more. After some flirtatious body language between the two, the guy is ready to give her his whole long chicken to her. But the mood is broken when suddenly she notices some guy sitting in the corner holding his small chicken.

So this video hits a lot of controversy on many levels on how sexually objectifying the commercial is. First Showing a woman will dance for you and be sexually attracted to you because you have a bigger than normal sandwich hanging out. Second, how this looks to our children and what they learn from it. Even though this commercial was intended for adults they advertise to all ages and It seems they made their sexual gestures in quick and slight motions to make it under the radar to children. But it obviously wasn’t enough because the commercial still raised a lot of attention. My opinion is this commercial is stupid but hilarious. I admit I even felt bad for the kid with the small chicken. I believe size matters.


  1. My first reaction to the video was "ohh naw" which just means I can't believed that happened. In our society we shame the men with the "little chicken". But like the great saying "it's not about the size of the boat. It's about the motion in the ocean". It is sad that the food industry could air such a thing with no regard for the children that watch tv. I believe now children are on the Internet and watching more tv than adults. This is not the type of messages a food company should be showing. I felt like I was watching soft porn. It is like nowadays if you have younger children you really have to monitor what they watch on the television. I believed that society is ran by a bunch of teenage boys like the lady in the Miss Representation. I'm sure if society grew up so would the stuff that major companies air on tv.

  2. In reference to the chicken sandwich and how hungry you are, maybe bigger is better. But in reference to the inuendos then the answer is no. People try to spice up adverts by adding these types of "hidden meanings". Most, like this one, is put so simply that it is for the stupid people of the world to watch and say "Hey, that was like a double meaning. Hehe, I'm pretty smart, might as well reward myself with a big chicken sandwich in my mouth. Advertisment compainies need to stop sensationalizing inappropriate things just to make them different and try to sell them as their own. What hacks.
